In Design, Marketing, Relaciones Públicas

The non-linear narrative and storydoing emerge as a shift in how we tell and consume stories on social media. 


As social media has evolved, so has our relationship with the content on them. We’ve gone from being passive spectators to becoming active participants through creation and sharing stories on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook.


Content creators have chosen to tell events in multiple ways, breaking with traditional schemes and giving a twist to the chronology of events, opting for new narrative styles that provide a different approach to what they want to tell.


Recently, on TikTok and Instagram a trend has emerged where experiences are narrated in a different order, prioritizing the conclusion of the story before telling how things unfolded. You might have heard something like: “storytime of when I passed Chemistry without attending classes, all started when…” This is known as non-linear narrative.


The non-linear narrative in social media modifies the conventional structure and takes advantage of the ability to share information in a fragmented and non-sequential way. This redefines the way that the stories are understood in the digital world.


On the other hand, another trend that is changing the way content is consumed on social media is storydoing. This arises as an evolution of storytelling, as it invites consumers to be active participants in the storytelling through experiences, involving living what is told, turning viewers into co-creators. An example of this tool are video reviews, reactions, or answers that a person makes about a product, service, or brand, giving their opinion or point of view of their experience.


Both tools have gained relevance and converge in a creative intersection, which defines the way they interact and relates to digital content. On one hand, the audience is captivated through non-linear storytelling, in which a plot premise is presented followed by its development. Once the user’s attention is captured, storydoing involves the viewer in a novel and exciting way within the video so that they interact, linking both with narrative techniques.


When brands employ micro-influencers and influencers to use products or services, it motivates them to tell a story to the audience, using non-linear narrative as a tool to grab attention with a catchy word or phrase. Ultimately, creators encourage viewers to interact or share their experience with the same product.


We must keep in mind that social media tends to be changeable, and what is trending today may be different tomorrow. At Bindiva we specialize in creating intelligent, creative, and innovative content that has an impact on society. Contact us to find out how we can help you give voice to your ideas.

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